Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"No Refusal" Policy

I heard about the "No Refusal" Policy, but never really gave a thought about it until I read this article. It was the latest “No Refusal” enforcement from the Austin Police Department, the program where if a driver is pulled over for an Austin DWI, they may not decline to take a breathalyzer test. And if the driver says “no,” the Austin police officer can get a warrant for their blood. This isn’t the first time the Austin Police Department has instituted the “No Refusal” policy/Austin DWI blood draws. They’ve done it two times previously. I really agree with my classmate in that issue that taking a breathalyzer test is different thing and taking a blood is totally insane. I know people get crazy on weekends; they get nuts but come on seriously! I do believe forcing out their blood is against the person's rights. I find it somewhat offensive because I think it is requiring people to incriminate themselves, I think it sets a dangerous precedent when we strap people down and force a needle in them to draw their blood. You may think it’s beneficial to everybody around to get the drunk drivers off the road, but you can take them to jail anyway if they refuse a breathalyzer and that takes them right off the street. I like the point while reading this articles about "Injury lawsuit waiting to happen", of course not all enforcement agency officer know how to draw blood which might put agencies into serious problems. I am very much into taking DWI out of the road but lets try some thing else which might as not be dangerous as drawing blood.

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